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Members of Environmental Psychology Research and Study Group participated in 27th IAPS International Conference

Members of Environmental Psychology Research and Study Group, Professor Elena Sutkina, PhD Candidates Alexandra Ivanova and Fatikha Agissova, presented their research results at the online conference organized by the International Association of People-Environment Studies on July 5-7, 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Members of Environmental Psychology Research and Study Group participated in 27th IAPS International Conference

Elena Sautkina presented the study “Political, environmental and social determinants of pro-environmental behavior in Russia” and Fatikha Agissova presented her research “Environmental attitudes and behavior in Kazakhstan: Understanding the effect of personal and political values” at the session on pro-environmental behavior, values and norms (C2 - Eco-beh Values/Norms). Alexandra Ivanova presented the study “Russian scale of pro-environmental behavior: Development and psychometric assessment” at the session Social Innovation (S29).

The IAPS Conference, held under the title “Global challenges, local impacts: rethinking governance, sustainability and consumption in light of climate change,” attracted researchers of the world’s top universities to present the latest findings in the field. Three main domains of the conference, each with several subcategories, were: Governance, Sustainability and Consumption. Dynamic and in-depth discussions of the topics took place during different sessions of the conference.