Европейская летняя школа «Исследуя предпринимательство»
Европейская летняя школа по предпринимательству (EESS) в 2017 г. пройдет под названием "Entrepreneurship Research: new horizons" в Москве с 19 по 27 августа на площадке московского кампуса ВШЭ (Мясницкая, 11).
Летняя школа адресуется студентам (в основном обучающимся в бакалавриате, но также и студентам магистратуры) разных направлений обучения, но проявляющим интерес к исследованиям предпринимательства как к широкому академическому мультидисциплинарному полю.
Школа проводится совместно при участии ведущих экспертов по теории предпринимательства из:
- Университета Твенте, Нидерланды
- Высшей школы экономики, Россия
- Университета Шеффилда, Великобритания
- Университета Гронингена, Нидерланды.
Помимо лекций и мастер-классов, от студентов ожидается работа в подготовительном периоде (изучение рекомендуемой вводной литературы; участие в подготовке национального постера по теме ЛШ) и во время самой ЛШ – активное участие в смешанной международной группе по подготовке групповой презентации на одну из основных тем, сформулированных в предварительной программе ЛШ.
EXPLORING ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2017_final for publishing.doc
European Summer School 2017_ApplicationForm HSE.doc
Пожалуйста, высылайте заполненные заявки Людмиле Артамоновой lartamonova@hse.ru
Igor Agamirzian is Professor and Department Head at the Institute of Innovation Management and Vice President of the HSE Moscow.
He was working in different positions from 1995 to 2007 as a representative of the Microsoft in UK, CEE in the Middle East. In 2009 - 2016 he was the general director and head of the board of the Russian Venture Company.
He is an author of several scientific papers on information society and computation business.
Olga Belousova is Assistant professor at University of Groningen and co-developer of the University of Groningen Centre of Entrepreneurship. Her interests include new venture creation processes in both independent and corporate contexts. She is involved in developing and teaching courses about entrepreneurship and new venture creation for business, technical and medicine students, as well as for interdisciplinary and extracurricular modules.
Chay Brooks is Lecturer in International Entrepreneurship and a member of the Centre for Regional Economic and Enterprise Development (CREED) at the Sheffield university. Chay's research explores the development and practices of entrepreneurial philanthropy, social responsibilities of international foundations, corporate philanthropies and the philosophies of philanthropic giving at regional and international scales.
Alexander Chepurenko is Professor of Sociology and head of the Sociology department at the HSE. His research areas are comparative analysis of entrepreneurship and SME development in former Socialist economies, entrepreneurial activity of population and its predicting factors, informal entrepreneurship.
As a Humboldt foundation fellow, he worked as research visitor at Bonn university (1992-1993), BIOst Cologne (1997-1998) and RWE Essen (2002-2003), Germany. Member of several academic associations and societies in Russia and abroad.
Co-founder of the European Summer School “Exploring Entrepreneurship” since 2011.
Adriana Drencheva is Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at the Sheffield university Management School. Before joining Sheffield University, she worked as a strategist with NGOs, MNCs, start-ups, sport teams, and social ventures to create strong brands and launch successful products, services, platforms, experiences, and campaigns. Her research adopts a micro-foundational perspective to investigate how actions, interactions, cognition, and relationships contribute to venture outcomes, such as venture emergence or innovation. Conceptually, she draws on theories based in occupational psychology (e.g. proactivity) and sociology (e.g. social capital, informal institutions). Empirically, it aims to contribute to the entrepreneurial method by investigating how specific behaviours and mechanisms can influence the process of developing successful (social) ventures and designing business models.
Cristian Gherhes is a Doctoral Researcher at Sheffield University Management School. His research interests centre on entrepreneurship, institutions, economic development, and economic resilience, and he has particular interests in peripheral and post-industrial regional and local economies, as well as in innovation-led growth and enterprise policy.
Aard Groen is Professor of Innovative Entrepreneurship & Valorisation - University of Twente & University of Groningen; Dean of Entrepreneurship - University of Groningen Center of Entrepreneurship; Scientific director NIKOS: University of Twente center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Research leader at IGS, Institute for Innovation & Governance Studies-program Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Coordinating professor Twente Graduate School, program Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Academic leader of Venturelab International; Associate-editor of Technovation journal for technology entrepreneurship and innovation management.
His approach to entrepreneurship research is as follows: describing, explaining, and predicting processes of creating market oriented venture ideas, business concepts and growth of exploitation, based on social system theory. Leading the development of this approach into a new multi-level-multidimensional, and multi actor perspective on market oriented entrepreneurship. Methodological approach is neo-functionalistic, thriving on tensions between neo-positivistic and moderately constructivist methods of action research versus (quasi-) experimentation, using case studies, surveys as well as large quantitative databases.
Vision on entrepreneurship research: describing, explaining, and predicting processes of creating market oriented venture ideas, business concepts and growth of exploitation, based on social system theory. Leading the development of this approach into a new multi-level-multidimensional, and multi actor perspective on market oriented entrepreneurship. Methodological approach is neo-functionalistic, thriving on tensions between neo-positivistic and moderately constructivist methods of action research versus (quasi-) experimentation, using case studies, surveys as well as large quantitative databases.
Co-founder of the European Summer School “Exploring Entrepreneurship” since 2011.
Rainer Harms is Associate Professor at NIKOS, University of Twente, coordinating the International Entrepreneurship research group at UT.
Rainer was Visiting Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), at Klagenfurt University, and at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
His research activities revolve around entrepreneurship, innovation management, and organization.
Joris Heuven is Assistant Professor of the Department of Innovation and Organization at the University of Groningen. His specialization focuses on Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Valuation and Business Analysis, currently investigating venture capital fund strategies, financial structuring, team dynamics and network structures.
Dirk Meissner is Professor and Academic Supervisor of the Master Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' of the Department of Educational Programmes at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the HSE, Moscow. His previous experience includes T.A. Cook Consultants, where he was Head of Unit Industry Studies and Research, Swiss Science and Technology Council (SSTC), Arthur D. Little International etc.
He took his BA at the Wolverhampton university (UK) and PhD degree at Dresden Technical university.
Tim Vorley is Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Sheffield university Management School. His research interests are entrepreneurship, enterprise and regional economies. His work has a broad empirical focus, including Europe, Asia and South America, and is primarily concerned with institutional arrangements affect entrepreneurial activity. Tim's wider interests include: Intrapreneurship, Industry Clusters, Regional Innovation Systems, and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
He is co-organizer of the European Summer School “Exploring Entrepreneurship” since 2013.