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Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance

Ajsmontas B., Alekhina S., Aleksandrova L. et al.

Springer, 2024.

Book chapter
Teacher Training and Professional Development for Inclusion in Russia

Alekhina S., Kozlova M. A.

In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. Ch. 9. P. 169-188.

Research & Expertise – News

Coffee, R, and Big Data: Summer Programme in Methods of Social Research in Ann Arbor

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Programme in Quantitative Methods of Social Research is in all likelihood the most prestigious summer school in the social sciences. Every year, the University of Michigan welcomes thousands of young researchers who are looking to develop their research skills under the supervision of world renowned professionals. Maxim Rudnev, Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness, shared his experience of the programme.

'Urban Movements and Local Civic Activism are the Most Flourishing and Productive Sides of Contemporary Russian Society'

Christian Frohlich has been a Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector since 2014. This year he is being fast tracked for tenure in the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences in the School of Sociology. Dr Frohlich has a DPhil in Sociology from Leipzig University, Germany. He spoke to HSE English News about his research into civic activism in Russia and about why he likes living and working in Moscow.

Corporate Social Responsibility Brings Benefits to Business

International companies engage in social responsibility in order to to improve their reputation, be more competitive, and to gain political benefits and some degree of control over society. In Russia, however, businesses convert social investment into informal privileges granted to them by government, according to a paper by Olga Kuzina, Professor of the HSE Department of Economic Sociology, and Marina Chernysheva, postgraduate student at the same department.

Historian and Demographer Focuses on the Role of Forced Displacement in Population History

On Tuesday, May 19, at 6.00pm, Alain Blum (Centre d’études franco-russe de Moscou, INED and EHESS in Paris) will give a talk at the International Research Seminar in Sociology (School of Sociology (Myasnitskaya 9/11, room 424)) called ‘Forgotten stories of deportees in the USSR — The multiple lives of a single individual’. Ahead of his lecture, he agreed to speak with the HSE news service on a variety of topics, including his experience as a demographer, his transition into Soviet history, and his upcoming research plans.

Authoritarian Rule and Legitimacy: Four Articles in Osteuropa Journal

A special issue of Osteuropa journal (Berlin) has been published, and four authors from the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences participated in it. The topic of the issue is ‘The People and its “I”: Authoritarian Rule and Legitimacy’.

Conference on the Journal as a Form of Academic Interaction

Conference on the Journal as a Form of Academic Interaction
From the 8th - 10th January, teachers at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences Olga Savinskaya and Elizaveta Polukhina, and HSE graduate Anastasia Poilova took part in the The Qualitative Report Sixth Annual Conference organised by the international peer-reviewed journal Qualitative Report.

‘One Needs to Be Patient, Even When the Problems are Urgent and Require Fast Solutions’

Karl Bruckmeier is an environmental sociologist and since 2011 he has been a professor at the Analysis of Social Institutions Department at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. He talked to the HSE English News Service about the challenges of being an interdisciplinary academic and about the pace of change in Russia in attitudes towards the environment. Anna Chernyakhovskaya began the interview by asking Professor Bruckmeier about his life at HSE.