Business psychology consolidates its position
Members of NUG business psychology participated in the international scientific-practical conference "Economic Psychology: Contemporary Issues and Prospects"
As we know, in our country, the first mention of business psychology as a possible new branch of applied psychology appeared in 2004 in the famous book "Problems of Economic Psychology", which was released in IP RAN, ed. A. Zhuravlev and A. Kupreychenko. Since then, 10 years have passed and we can say that this direction is determined, he had allies. Much of this was due to the efforts of scientists of the Faculty of Psychology HSE. The conference was attended GB Bardier, author of one of the first in our country textbooks on the subject, who said it was the psychology of the business is an interdisciplinary field of psychology, which studies the problems of organizations and people in the business appear complex and with a clear focus on the implementation of research results in practice. Actually it does business psychology attractive both in theoretical and practical terms. This is especially true today, when a business is faced with challenges such an environment, adequately respond to people who can and organizations with certain qualities that need to be identified and developed. Analysis of psychological factors in the successful development of business in today's conditions were devoted to reports N. Ivanova, N. Antonova and W. Stroh.