Environmental Psychology Research and Study Group members presented project results at a seminar at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg
Head of Environmental Psychology Research and Study Group, Professor Elena Sautkina and Research and Study Group member, PhD student of School of Psychology Alexandra Ivanova made a presentation “Development and Validation of the Russian Scale of Pro-Environmental Behaviour” at the seminar organized by the Personality and Social Psychology Division of the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany.
As part of their speech, Professor Elena Sautkina and Alexandra Ivanova presented the results of the study on the development and validation of a scale of pro-environmental behaviour, conducted by the group in 2021. In the framework of the study, 61 interviews with experts in the field of environmental protection and population were held, as well as 3 socio-psychological surveys with a total sample of 1070 respondents were conducted. The report was prepared by Professor Elena Sautkina, PhD students Alexandra Ivanova and Fatikha Agissova.

The seminar was attended by the Chair of the Personality and Social Psychology Division of the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Professor Florian Kaiser, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Siegmar Otto, and Senior Lecturer, Dr. Inga Wittenberg, as well as other team members, who could ask their questions and make their comments following the presentation.