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The impact of centralization on structural changes in healthcare: when it works

Shishkin S., Sheiman I., Potapchik E. et al.


Book chapter
Can the Effects of Internet Shutdowns be Estimated Separately from Their Causes? Simulation-Based Inference in the Context of Difference-in-Differences Models

Vadim Belenkov, Koncha V., Sedashov E.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-3.

Working paper
Factors of Online Self-Censorship during Critical Political Junctures: The Case of Russian Telegram
In press

Romanov D., Kiryukhov G., Artivua A. et al.

SSRN Working Paper Series. SSRN Working Paper Series. Social Science Research Network, 2025

Tag "communism" – News

‘It’s a Very Small Area of Political Science, and Working to Redress That Is Very Satisfying’

‘It’s a Very Small Area of Political Science, and Working to Redress That Is Very Satisfying’
On March 15, Judas Everett defended his doctoral dissertation ‘The Effect of the Patterns in the Dissolution of Communism on the Transition to New Systems in Eastern Europe’, which investigates the relationship between the demise of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe and the quality of democracy in the post-communist regime. The defence took place remotely. His academic supervisor was Professor Andrey Akhremenko of the HSE University School of Politics and Governance at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In his interview, Judas talks about the topic of his research and explains why political science is more important than ever.