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Project Passport

About the project

The research purpose is to explore the combining or mixing practices of quantitative and qualitative methods, procedures and techniques of data collection and analysis, and develop a multi-level and  multi-criteria classification of existing "mixed" study designs and their specific or typical methods, techniques and procedures realisation.

  • To systematize the published theoretical approaches for the analysis of mixed research nature;
  • Using data from the available studies, present the typical examples of combination / mixing strategies of qualitative and quantitative methods and analyze the reasons for using a mixed strategy research design;
  • To develop logical models of representing research design, ligaments of mixing different techniques and emerging cognitive capabilities. Illustrate them with examples;
  • To develop multi-level and multi-criteria classification of existing "mixed research" design;
  • To explore the ethical issues which arise during mixing research process and strategies to resolve them. Determine the postulates of "mixed research" ethics;
  • To develop and adapt the technique of choosing the most appropriate research design.

The basic methodological research methods are methodological descriptive and analytical reflection, classification and data triangulation.
This methodological study is based on a secondary analysis of several empirical studies, which will be conducted in small groups led by teachers with active students’ participation.

Dates of the project: January – December, 2015.

Anticipated results
We anticipate that results of this study may be useful for researchers-practitioners. The monograph which will be prepared as the main research product will serve as a guide for choosing an optimal empirical research design. This monograph can also become a basis for Mixed Methods Research course as a part of a Master's program at the Faculty of Social Sciences.


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